البحث وجد 7 تطابقات

بواسطة zana
31 مارس 2010, 17:56
منتدى: دعم سكربت كليجا kleeja
موضوع: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?
ردود: 10
مشاهدات: 4933

رد: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?

no problem


بواسطة zana
30 مارس 2010, 18:09
منتدى: دعم سكربت كليجا kleeja
موضوع: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?
ردود: 10
مشاهدات: 4933

رد: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?

انا کردي لکن انا اقدر اتکلم عربي لکن لیس کثیرا

thats why i speak eng

thanks again
بواسطة zana
30 مارس 2010, 02:16
منتدى: دعم سكربت كليجا kleeja
موضوع: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?
ردود: 10
مشاهدات: 4933

رد: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?


thanks for gave those information

i well wait until the new version of kleeja come
بواسطة zana
29 مارس 2010, 19:24
منتدى: دعم سكربت كليجا kleeja
موضوع: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?
ردود: 10
مشاهدات: 4933

رد: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?


now what should i do ?
بواسطة zana
29 مارس 2010, 17:38
منتدى: دعم سكربت كليجا kleeja
موضوع: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?
ردود: 10
مشاهدات: 4933

رد: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?


but last 3 days ago i install the dev version on some hosts but when i finish the install its not working i dont know why !!!

can you tell us why ?
بواسطة zana
29 مارس 2010, 02:23
منتدى: دعم سكربت كليجا kleeja
موضوع: when the new version of kleeja is coming ?
ردود: 10
مشاهدات: 4933

when the new version of kleeja is coming ?

hello every one

i have got one question for kleeja staff

my question is

i want to know when the new version of kleeja is coming

long time i am waiting for the new version of kleeja

you can answer me by arabic language

thanks a lot :clap:
بواسطة zana
25 مارس 2010, 02:35
منتدى: شروحات كليجا
موضوع: [شرح] ربط كليجا مع اي سكربت
ردود: 177
مشاهدات: 196063

رد: [شرح] ربط كليجا مع اي سكربت

hello every one sorry i write my question by english language because i am not speak arabic very well my question is i finish all those steps you write it here for other member but its no way to connect my vb forum to my kleeja if any one know how to connect it please tell me how you can answer me b...